We Are Committed to Your Health

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In our office we treat all problems related to the spine and joints of the human body. By freeing the column from “vertebral subluxations” the correct functioning of the organism in general is promoted.

Günther Schultz DC

Dr. Günther Schultz is a graduate of the Anglo European College of Chiropractic (UK) and a member of the Italian Chiropractic Association .

In our office we treat all problems related to the spine and joints of the human body. By freeing the column from “vertebral subluxations” the correct functioning of the organism in general is promoted.

Many patients suffering from herniated disc complaints are successfully treated by Chiropractic around the world thus avoiding surgery. After a thorough visit, the patient undergoes so-called “adjustments” or chiropractic treatments.

They are called “adjustment techniques” of the nervous system to differentiate them from the “manipulations” used by other manual medicines that act only on painful areas. In addition to Chiropractic, our studio offers Corrective Chiropractic, rehabilitation and massage services.

0874 698179

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Chiropractic Frequently Asked Questions

What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic is a primary and independent health profession. It is a clinical science born in the United States in 1895, thanks to Daniel David Palmer who, with a manual adjustment, restored hearing to a man who had become deaf following a spinal trauma.
What is the purpose of Chiropractic?
La Chiropratica sollecita la capacità innata dell’organismo di trovare e mantenere un equilibrio tra l’aspetto biochimico, l’aspetto strutturale e l’aspetto psicologico, fino a raggiungere una condizione di benessere totale. Lo scopo della chiropratica è di identificare ed eliminare le cause che portano alle sublussazioni per poi favorire l’autoguarigione. Questo obiettivo viene perseguito senza l’uso di farmaci e senza l’impiego di trattamenti invasivi.
What are subluxations?
According to Chiropractic there is a close link between the structure of the spine and the functioning of the nervous system, so any biomechanical alteration involving the spine can cause interference in the transmission of nerve impulses, which may result in an alteration of the state of health. These dysfunctions in chiropractic are called “subluxations”.

Subluxations can be caused by numerous factors such as incorrect posture, stress, sedentary life, dietary errors, drug consumption, excessive alcohol or cigarette consumption, which, by weakening the neuro-musculoskeletal system, they deprive it of its original equilibrium.

Is chiropractic suitable for very young children?
Yes, even babies can benefit greatly from Chiropractic. According to a recent Danish research, the gaseous colic of the newborn lasts for less time and disappears earlier in children regularly subjected to chiropractic treatments. There are many other issues that respond well to chiropractic treatment. including otitis media.
What techniques does chiropractic use?
Chiropractic uses “adjustment techniques” of the nervous system so defined to differentiate them from “manipulations” used by other manual medicines that act only on painful areas. There are numerous chiropractic “adjust” techniques that can range from light brushing to applying pressure to particular points on the body.
What is the difference between Chiropractic and Osteopathy?
The main difference between the two professions is that Chiropractic considers the brain and nervous system primary while Osteopathy considers the heart and cardiovascular system primary.
Is chiropractic suitable for those suffering from osteoporosis?
Yes, chiropractic techniques are not invasive and the methods of chiropractic treatment must always take into account the patient’s state of health. The Doctor of Chiropractic is also trained to take care of patients who may be suffering from osteoporosis.
What is chiropractic treatment?
Manipulation or better, chiropractic adjustment is a highly refined manual treatment that is developed over 5 intense years of chiropractic studies. Typically the chiropractor uses his hands to adjust the joints of the body, especially those of the spine, in order to reduce pain and restore correct joint dynamics.

Chiropractic adjustment is a very sophisticated technique that rarely causes pain. The chiropractor tailors technique and procedures to each patient according to individual needs. The patient often notices an improvement in symptoms immediately after treatment.

Is it possible to do the treatments without the visit?
Absolutely not.

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